strange volcanic island--which arose from the tumultuous upheaval of the
Great Stygian Abyss-- receives numerous visitors on pilgrimage to the Shrine
of the Codex. The Shrine is considered to be a national monument of great
historical importance to Britannia and as such is under armed guard day and
Located in the Valonan Isles in southwest Britannia,Jhelom is a meeting place
for fighters, paladins and rangers. It is the birthplace of many an esteemed
Britannian warrior. This city of Valor is also known for its well-stocked
armoury, the hospitality of its barmaids and for its local fighting club, the
Library of Scars.
This thriving seaport is located in northern Britannia at the mouth of Lost
Hope Bay. Minoc, also known as the city of Sacrifice, has an active sawmill,
armourer, shipwright and branch of the Britannian Mining Company. It is the
home of the Artist's Guild, where craftsmen of all types display their craft.
In Minoc there is also an active branch of The Fellowship.
Moonglow is the city of Honesty and sits upon the southern tip of Verity
Isle. It is where the Lycaeum, the great storehouse of knowledge and wisdom,
is located. Nearby, the traveller will also find the observatory, which
contains a orrery. An active branch of The Fellowship also operates in
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