is imminent.
The Circles of Magic
There are eight circles of magical spells, each successive circle
representing a more powerful level of magical energy. The ethereal waves are
made up of eight rings or circles which correspond to the levels of the
spells. Each circle is one of eight swirling vortices, all spinning one
within another and expanding out through the universe. The more powerful the
spell a mage casts, the deeper into the inner circles of the ether must the
concentrated psychic energy of the mage penetrate. Required for the mage are
many, many hours of meditation, the strength of concentration, and the will
to reach into one of the higher circles with his psychic energy. Every mage
is fully aware that a backlash would upset our physical world, possibly
harming the mage and those around him.
The First Circle of Magic
IN MANI FLAM (Crealc Food)
Rcagcnts: Garlic, Ginscng, Mandrahc Root
This spell creates enough food for the mage and each member in his party to
have one meal.
Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic
This spell cures poison and restores a person afflicted with paralysis. It
has also been known to work against an assortment of other malicious
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