FLAM ...Flame
HUR ...Wind
IN ...Make/Geate/cause
JUX ...Danger/Trap/Harm
KAL ...Summon/lnvoke
LOR ...Light
MANI ...Life/Healing
NOX ....Poison
POR ....Move/Movement
QUAS ....Illusion
REL ...Change
TYM ....Time
UUS ....Raise/Up
VAS ....Great
WIS ....Know/Knowledge
XEN ....Creature
YLEM ...Maner
ZU ....Sleep
The mage is able to cast spells when the three elements--spellbook, reagents
and words of power--are combined in one unique and fluid action. The mind of
the mage must be properly focused, as some spells affect just one person,
others affect a group of people and still others affect a specific area. As a
mage's experience in casting spells increases, so too will the potency of
many of his spells. Outside distractions and interference, as well as the
intended target's natural resistance, might prevent the successful casting of
any spell.
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