commerce and industrial might. In any city, thou canst find a pleasing vanity
of goods and services available for purchase. Each city has an economy based
upon its industry and the endeavors of the people who work within it. The
goods each city produces are bartered or sold to the people of other cities,
which provides them access to other goods not usually available in their own
city. Through this continuous flurry of commercial activity all the townships
of Britannia are supplied with the products and services that they need to
survive and thrive.
The Farmers of Britannia
While in recent years a scenes of droughts has hurt agricultural production
in certain areas of Britannia, most farmers are enjoying a resurgence of
bountiful harvests. Farmers will usually be glad to sell the passing
traveller eggs, fruits, vegetables or whatever else they produce.
The Merchants of Britannia
The merchants of Britannia survive by one basic rule--buy for less and then
sell for more. However, most merchants truly desire to please their
customers, and any merchant who engages in unfair business practices is sure
to lose out to his competition in the end.
The Farmer's Market
At the Farmer's Market in Britain, the fruits, vegetables, eggs and meats
produced on The farms of Britannia may be found for sale.
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