used by all mages.
Black Pearl
Black pearl is an exceedingly rare commodity; fewer than one in ten thousand
pearls is black. They have been found at the base of tall cliffs on
Buccaneer's Den. While a less than perfect pearl may be perfectly acceptable
for decorative purposes, the black pearl of a mage must be perfectly formed
or it is virtually worthless. Black pearl is ground up into a fine powder.
Blood Moss
In recent years the only places where this strange substance can be located
are in the Bloody Marsh across the mountains from Cove (where many years ago
thousands of soldiers lost their lives) or in the enchanted forest of
Spintwood, beneath the rotting bark of dead trees.
Certainly this is the most commonly available of all magical reagents. There
are few kitchens in all of Britannia that are not supplied with at least a
few cloves of this spice. Garlic cloves are washed and ground into a paste,
providing significant protection from black magic.
The healers of our fair land have known of the healthful and restorative
powers of this bitter root for hundreds of years. But to the mage it requires
special preparation. It must be boiled and reboiled in the freshest of water
no less than forty times! This reduces it to a strong-smelling syrup that
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