be seen again. No one has yet reported an actual sighting of the full body of
this creature.
Liche--This is an extremely rare type of undead creature that is both
dangerous and very difficult to destroy.
Mongbat--This bizarre and frightening creature is a cross between a bat and a
monkey. Its attacks are fast and powerful, but it usually only inhabits the
deepest dungeons.
Mouse--This harmless rodent lives on whatever little scraps of food it can
find, although it is especially fond of cheese. It occupies the space just
beneath the cat on the food chain.
Rabbit--This fast, long-eared animal lives primarily on the carrots grown by
local farmers.
Rat (Giant)--This filthy, overgrown rodent is a severe hazard to the health
of human beings. Immune to poison and too large to be trapped, this creature
has a voracious appetite for garbage and carrion. When it roams in packs it
loses its natural fear of human beings. The bite of a giant rat can cause a
variety of potentially fatal diseases.
Reaper--The reaper is actually a malevolent tree spirit that has the power to
reach out and grab passers-by in its long, powerful branches. The reaper also
possesses the magical power to unleash destructive bolts of lightning. As it
is a creature made of dry deadwood, it is quite vulnerable to fire.
Sea Serpent--This creature is a sea-going dragon. It is capable of spiting
out fireballs, much the same as dragons breathe fire. A sea serpent can
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