secure, the guards of the city will not permit anyone to enter or leave the
city unless they know the secret password. Once thou know the password thou
wilt be given the key to the city gates and may then enter and leave at will.
While this was once done to maintain the security of the city and the safety
of its citizens, it is now done mostly to sustain a traditional ritual.
(Britannian law forbids the open publication of Tnnsic's password.)
Located on the edge of the desert in northeast Britannia, Vesper is an
industrial town. Here the main branch of the Britannian Mining Company is
located. Vesper is one of the few places in Britannia where humans and
gargoyles live together in an approximately equal number.
Yew is known as the city of Justice, but it has changed considerably over the
years. The buildings that remain where the city once stood have been
abandoned for many, many years. The citizenry of Yew have chosen a life
independent of normal civilization. They now live scattered throughout the
Great Forest. Their only remaining link with outside civilization is Empath
Abbey. The Abbey has assumed responsibility for the court of Yew as well as
its prison. Many travellers to Empath Abbey come to visit the graves of loved
ones at the nearby graveyard.
ii.The Commerce of Britannia
Britannia is not only a kingdom of great cities, but also of prolific
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