I said that I had a modest proposal. My colleagues and I sought to
establish a philosophical society known as The Fellowship. Lord British asked
me who would see the benefits of this Fellowship. I replied that no one would
benefit from it, for it would not be run for profit. With a word I was
dismissed. I found myself leaving the throne room before it had even sunk in
that I had been refused.
By the look on my face Elizabeth and Abraham knew I was not the bearer of
good news. In discussing the matter, Elizabeth suggested that Lord British
had desired a Tribute from us. If we could present an impressive enough
Tribute, he would grant his favor. After a time we raised a thousand gold
pieces by selling nearly every possession we owned. With renewed confidence I
returned to the castle.
This time there were several workmen with me to carry the chests of gold
that were our Tribute. As I reached the front of the line I spoke boldly. I
said that I wished to discuss The Fellowship, but first wished to present
Lord British with suitable tribute. with consternation I realized that I had
spoken before Lord British had finished reading an important looking scroll
placed before him by one of his advisors. He signed it as he spoke, not even
bothering to look up at me. First he ordered my workmen to remove the boxes.
Then he ordered the workmen to remove me as well!
Angrily I stormed from the throne room. Once more did I face my two
friends. We were most disappointed. The dream we shared now seemed to have no
hope of becoming reality. I spent days somberly brooding over my failure. One
morning found me so completely lost in my thoughts that I did not hear the
passing beggar approach. When at last I noticed him he spoke. "A coin for one
denied the rewards of worthiness." The illumination was pure and
instantaneous. He thought I had gone mad when I gave him my chest of gold. I
ran back to the palace as fast as I could.
At first, Lord British would not see me, but I implored him. He looked me
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