This spell heals the injures of the mage or anyone upon whom he casts it
restoring them halfway between their current level or injury and their normal
IN LOR (Light)
Rcagcnt: Sulfurous Ash
This spell is a more potent version of The linear spell Glimmer. Ir creates a
source or light that can illuminate a darkened area. This light source will
travel with The party and last for a significant amount of Time.
The Second Circle of Magic
QUAS CORP (Cause Fear)
Rcagcnls: Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Garlic
This spell inspires fear of the mage and all who are in his party. In many
cases this will cause the enemies of the mage to simply nee in terror.
HUR GRAV REL (Change Weather)
Reagents: Black Pearl, Spiders Silk, Blood Moss
This spell may be used to clear up inclement weather or turn clear weather
into inclement weather.
AN IUX YLEM (Destroy Trap)
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
This spell destroys any one specific trap upon which it is cast.
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