end of the age of Magic, as written by Batlin of Britain
Before anything further is written, it must be noted that the following
section is included only as a matter of historical documentation. The use of
magic has long been proven to be unreliable and the suspected cause of mental
deterioration. The author takes no responsibility for anyone who may attempt
to practice magic based upon the information contained herein.
i. The Mage's Spellbook
The first component necessary for the successful casting of spells by a mage
is his spellbook. It is his principle tool and without it the mage cannot
function. This book contains the formulae and incantations required to cast
the specific spells that a mage knows. As mages become more experienced they
can acquire new spells. A wise and long-practicing mage may have a great tome
filled with strange drawings, diagrams and writings. These writings will be
explained in greater detail in a forthcoming section. Every mage's spellbook
contains several basic magical spells called linear spells. These too will be
explained in their own section.
ii. The Mage's Reagents
The second component required for spellcasting is the proper reagent. These
chemical materials serve as a link between the physical world that the mage
wishes to affect and the psychic energies of the ethereal waves that the mage
is drawing upon to effect that change. Some reagents are relatively common
herbs, others are rare and exotic items. The following is a list of reagents
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