and delicious meat often served in inns. It poses no threat to humans, as it
will generally run away if attacked.
Corpser--This creature is a type of ghoul that ensnares its victims with its
tentacles in order to drag them off to its lair and presumably kill them in a
manner that has never been discovered. Its only known weakness is fire.
Cow--This harmless farm animal is the source of beef and dairy products.
Cyclops--One of a race of incredibly strong one-eyed giants, when it is not
hurling large boulders at its enemies, its favorite weapon is a large wooden
Deer--This swift but timid forest creature has sharp antlers to defend
itself. It is the source of venison.
Dog--A domesticated cousin of the wolf, this animal guards homes from
intruders, tracks game during hunts, and is a playmate for children and a pet
for adults. It should not attack unless provoked, although it will usually
bark at strangers. This animal takes special enjoyment in chasing cats and
Dragon--Dragons are a mysterious ancient race of highly evolved reptiles that
possess magical abilities and a high degree of intelligence. They have large
wings and are capable of rapid night. A dragon is formidable in combat and is
all the more lethal due to its noxious flaming breath. Its lair is usually a
cave or dungeon where it guards its eggs and treasure.
Drake--This creature is a dragon that has not yet fully grown to adulthood, a
process that takes several hundred years. Like its mature relatives, this
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