AN tUX ORT (Dispel Magic)
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng
This spell removes the enchantment from any object. The mage does nor need to
actually touch the object to be disenchanted, as the spell can be cast from a
short distance away.
ORT YLEM (Enchant Missiles)
Rcagcnts: Black Pearl, Mandrahc Root
This spell causes up to an entire bundle of arrows or bolts to become
enchanted and glow blue. Enchanted missiles will always hit their target and
do significantly more damage than normal.
AN VAS FLAM (Great Douse)
Rcagcnts: Garlic, Spidcr's Silk
This spell is a more potent version of the linear spell Douse. It
extinguishes all dousable items within a certain area.
IN VAS FLAM (Great Ignite)
Rcagcnts: Sulfurous Ash, Spiders Silk
This spell is a more potent version of the linear spell Ignite. It causes all
flamable items within a certain area to burst into flame.
MAN I (Heal)
Rcagcnts: Ginseng, Garlic, Spiders Silk
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