The great quantities of ash generated by a volcanic eruption makes this a
common commodity as far as magical reagents go, but one does usually have to
travel in order to acquire a large quantity of it. In recent years the most
common source of sulfurous ash has been the Isle of the Avatar, location of
violent volcanic activity many years ago.
iii. The Mage's Words of Power
iv. Spellcasting
The final component necessary for the mage to cast a spell is the spoken
mantra that constitutes the words of power. Far more than simple memorization
of the words and their meanings is required. The mage must have a
consciousness-altering comprehension of each individual syllable of a word of
power. The pronunciation of each syllable resonates through the ethereal
waves as the spell is being cast. Incorrect pronunciation invariable causes
ethereal turbulence. Long periods of meditation upon each syllable and many
hours of controlled breathing exercises are required before the proper use of
the mage's words of power can be learned. The following is a list of the
known syllables that make up the words of power.
AN ....Negate/Dispel
CORP ...Death
DES ...Lower/Down
EX ...Freedom
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