Nightmare Creatures Level 1: Find The Workshop As you begin your quest, you need to stock up on power-ups early on to deal with the menagerie of monsters faced later in the game. Turn round as you walk out into the street and go back through the door behind you. This leads to some crates that need to be smashed to stock up on health. Once you enter the street proper, you encounter one zombie: use a couple of Up + Square moves to slice this fool in twain. When you have been left to your own devices, you can do a smash and grab on the shop front to your left and collect the power-ups there. Then turn right and destroy the crates in the doorway opposite and kill the zombie behind them to equip yourself with more goodies. When you have got your fill of items, head down the street towards the gate to get your mission underway. As you approach the gate a werewolf will leap out at you from the doorway to the right, so have your finger poised over the guard button. The werewolves attack swiftly, so hammering the attack button doesn't usually work - you can either leap out of the way and go into a combo when they are off balance or keep blocking and striking with a few opportune kicks. After this lupine deviant has been put in Rolf's animal hospital you can head into the cellar he was guarding and kick in the zombie down there to get to the switch that opens the gate. Once you have flicked the switch, a wolf enters the cellar via a secret passage, so you have to deal with him before you can search this chamber thoroughly for the many items that are concealed within. ... Далее >>