of London. Two more blue monsters have to be defeated, then all you have to get through is the second pendulum trap and you'll finally reach the pub in time for a swift half. Level 6: Samuel's Tomb Walking through a graveyard at the dead of night in a monster-infested city is not the sanest thing in the world to do, but do it you must to find the tomb of Samuel Pepys. Snow is falling amongst the tombstones as you tackle the first of three werewolves in the corridor of crypts that you pass through. The second werewolf leaps from a crypt to your left, but he usually leaps the wrong way and doesn't pose much of a threat. The third werewolf guards a tomb entrance: take him out and head into the darkness to find a secret area. Open the coffins carefully, as lurking inside are three members of the undead and a werewolf. Kill them all so that you can search the coffins for goodies. In one of them you'll find a new lightning weapon. Return to the main graveyard once again and smash your way through the gates, decapitating the zombie on the other side for good measure. Climb the stairs and deal with the werewolf at the top before turning to your right and breaking into the main graveyard. Collect the repeater from the crates on the left, then walk across the graveyard towards the sounds of howling. Kill the wolf and move carefully ... Далее >>