confronted by one of Crowley's four-armed creations: these are quite slow so a combination of kicks and punches should send him back to the netherworld with a minimum of hassle. Head up the steps to the right and flick the switch there to raise the portcullis that leads into town. As you walk through the gate, another four-armed bloke leaps out of the shadows and attempts to tear you apart. Use the same method as before to kick him into the gutter before smashing open the crates at the far end of the section to get some health orbs. Kill the zombie that is lurking in the archway to the right and walk over to the wooden gates and batter them open. Smash the crates in front of you to get some health, then turn left and head for the bush in the corner. You can hack down the bush to reveal another secret area containing an extra life and the repeater. When you have collected all the power-ups, return to the main street and continue on your way. As you head towards the next picket fence, a huge blue monster will storm through it: make sure you block all his attacks, as one hit from this can halve your energy bar. The blue monster is quite slow so as soon as it gets close go straight into a combo or hit him with a few jabs and you can kill him quite easily. As you reach the end of the street you come to a dead end. As you are pondering what to do next, two zombies smash their way in through the walls to the left. When they rush forward to attack, leap back and cut them in two with your power move. After they have been dispatched, make a search of their bodies and you should find a health pack. Go through the newly formed archways and follow the road until you reach a ... Далее >>