Level 15: Bloomsbury Crowley's lab is located somewhere within these darkened streets. You must find it to stand any chance of halting this terror. Turn round and collect the full health orb hidden behind you, then quickly face front to prevent the gargoyle behind you getting a few sneaky hits. Destroy the gargoyle and its companion before walking through the fog-shrouded streets to begin your search. A gargoyle charges at you from the front when you enter the next street. Avoid the urge to sidestep to avoid its attacks as there is another gargoyle waiting to grab you from behind a wall. Instead lure them into the pillars behind you so that you may trap the fools against the concrete and eliminate them. Advance towards the tavern in front of you and smash the glass. Amongst the remnants of the window you'll find a full health orb and a pistol. Walk forward and keep your eye on the shop front to the right: a gargoyle will come flying through it after your blood. When you have pulled its heart out, search the now smashed shop front to find a repeater, then walk round the corner. You'll suddenly be struck by the absence of enemies as you walk down the alleyway. This is to prepare you for the brown trousers bit coming up. A huge fire-breathing hellhound engulfs one of the side streets in flame and roars a challenge to you. Wade in fast to give it a beating before it can get close enough to use its fangs. Whilst you are giving this beast from the underworld corrective brain surgery, a gargoyle will burst out of the window ... Далее >>