much-needed items and head south across the fountain. You'll find a small garden: dodge the hellhound's hot reception and trap it in the shed to kill it. A search of its lair will turn up a razor power-up to add to your collection. Leave the garden and walk east to the small iron gate there. Kill the gargoyle hiding in this area and collect the razor that it drops, then walk through the gate on the left. Select the razor from your inventory and prepare to use it as you advance on the fire at the end of the yard. A pair of hellhounds appear in the flames, accompanied by two fire demons. Engage the razor power-up and sweep these monsters aside, then step through the flames, dodging the exploding barrels until you come face to face with Crowley. Alas, once again Crowley does a 'Jessie Owens' and flees his lab with a vial of some description. Level 16: Pimlico On entering the shattered streets of Pimlico, go through the hole in the wall on the right. A blue monster is smashing up buildings in this area so kill it quickly. Walk over to the hut in the corner, behind it is a crate containing a full health power-up and a pistol. Get them both and go back to where you started. At the end of the yard is another crate with a full health orb and a razor power-up on it. Get these as well and go back through the wall. Look out for the collapsing ceiling as you go through the wall further up the corridor. This leads to a tunnel that ends in an underground room containing a hellhound. The room containing the hound is quiet large, so you can easily manoeuvre round its burning attacks and kill it at close range. ... Далее >>