vantage point from which to chuck mines at the approaching blue monster. When you have gingerly stepped over his remains, take the left passageway and walk along until you get to a dead end. Collect the orb from on top of the nearest crate and retrace your steps and continue along the opposite passageway. Things start to get tough here as two enhanced blue creatures plough through the walls to the right. These blue creatures can take twice as much punishment as normal ones but thankfully are just as slow so a few good kick combos will see them off in no time. Go through the opening left by the creatures' passage and smash down the wall at the left side. Follow the passage round and take the first left turn. If you take the other turn you'll circle back round and waste valuable time; there are a few power-ups hidden round there but they aren't worth the effort. Eventually you come to another dead end. Kill the blue monster there and collect the items by the crates before taking the previous left turn. Two insect blokes are waiting to ambush you here so be ready to pull your pistol. When you have cleared the room of nasties, walk over to the right and take a look out of the window to get an excellent view of London. Take the first exit you find and make your way down the tunnel, but be wary of ambush as there are insect dudes lurking round each corner. When you get to the open sewage channel, your leaping skills will be put to good use as you attempt to cross the effluent whilst being attacked by a squid monster from hell. If you have a pistol you can just shoot the ... Далее >>