forward to attack you, at which point you should wrap your weapon round his head and cross the rickety bridge. Flick the first switch you find and batter your way through the grate and quickly run past the blue monster to head for the secret area opposite -- if you don't go fast enough the entrance will collapse, leaving you to fight the blue monster. After you have collected all you can, return to the road and continue round the pathway, defeating all the monsters that cross your path. You'll spot Crowley's 'associate' in the distance: he will begin to run, but don't bother chasing after him. The evil git will blow up the bridges as he crosses them, leaving you stranded. As it is impossible to catch him at this early stage, you may as well take your time when jumping the gaps to avoid wasting a precious life. When you have crossed over all the bridges, you can follow Crowley's associate into the meeting place to face the ultimate adversary Level 3: The Four-Headed Fire-Breather As you approach the mysterious hole in the centre of the room, a four-headed monster breaks through from the sewer below and you must bear arms to deal with this horror from the underworld. Stay on the move at all costs: the ability to breath fire in four directions is the creature's main defence. To kill this monstrosity you must destroy the wooden pillars surrounding it. This can be accomplished by a singled well-aimed blow with your weapon. ... Далее >>