contend with. Further down the tunnel another blue creature lies in wait. Use the same tactic as before to erase his sorry ass, then check out his hiding place to pick up a pistol and a gold orb. The end of the tunnel is guarded by another insect monster. Once he is dogmeat you get a choice of directions. You can either head for the exit or go the other way - this is a dead end so you are better of proceeding to the exit. A big blue monster will crash through the wall at the side when you start to walk to the exit, so be ready with those mines. Grab the power-ups he leaves when you drop him and head on down the tunnel. You're again faced with a choice of routes: one of these is also barricaded so you need to take the right turn to get to the exit. This route takes you into a massive chamber with a huge mutant squid in the centre. Kill the insect creature to the left and smash the crate there to get a pistol. As the squid comes towards you, fire your pistol in its general direction and you should set off the wagonload of explosives behind him. The demise of the squid leaves a massive hole in the ground: to cross this deadly drop you need to jump over at the far right side. On the left of this section is a massive room of crates: be sure to search the room thoroughly and pick up all the health there for later in the level. When you have had your fill and are ready to continue, head round the corner to the pile of crates there. They cannot be destroyed but they make a handy ... Далее >>