it. Once it is defeated, turn left into the large corridor and kill the hellhound and fire demon there. As you approach the door at the end, another of couple of creatures flood out. Give them a beating, but don't even try to go through the fire in the room behind as it is impassable. Run down the passage to your left, being careful not to get caught by the exploding barrels, and destroy the two creatures there so that you may proceed. This can be quite tricky due to the number of fires scattered about, so you are better off executing them both with a few pistol shots. Be on your guard as you round the next bend as there is a knifeman waiting in the shadows. Break his legs, then enter the hall and hospitalise the minion there. Climb the staircase to the gallery and kill the knifeman there, then walk round the gallery until you get to a couple of hellhounds. To kill them instantly use the pistol at point blank range as this decapitates them with one shot. Once past these over-grown mutts walk over to the gap in the gallery ahead, make two jumps to get you over to the other side and kill the hellhound there to get an extra life. The passage ahead is blocked by fire so turn right and continue down the gallery until you get to at room. There are two knifemen inside the room ahead so lob a torch in there to burn them out. Once the room is clear you will discover it to be an armoury, break all six weapon cases to equip yourself with the pistols within. Walk over to the armour on the left wall and wreck it, then go forward into the next room. Only one knifeman awaits your judgment in here, so make short work of him before helping yourself to the items in the background. Walk over to the bookcase on the right. If you have destroyed both sets of armour, you should be able to open it. Once it is open, walk into the darkened passage and pick up the extra life there. At the very end of the passage is a grate: hit it with your weapon to open it, then drop down. This short cut takes you ... Далее >>