As you step in the blue monster's guts to continue on your way, a squid creature wrecks the boards ahead. You must kill it so that you can cross over the boards: if you are out of ammo you can blind it with thunderflash before wading in with your weapon. When you have crossed over, turn to your right and smash the middle window to get a razor power-up. Sprint through the swinging chains ahead and get ready to do battle with the blue creature that smashes its way through the crates. You should use a thunderflash here so that you can take the squid monster behind him to the cleaners as well. Grab a replacement thunderflash from the box next to the rapidly decomposing body of the squid before moving along the boardwalk to your next encounter. An insect creature will leap on top of you and rend you with its claws unless you can dodge out of the way before it gets through the crates ahead. Once it is defeated, smash the remaining crates and help yourself to two pistols and a torch. Go through the archway to your right and continue straight until you meet a blue monster. Head towards the crates when you have defeated him and you can pick up a weapon upgrade and some health before returning to the archway. Turn right when you reach the archway and gun down the squid creature lurking across the quay. Cross the gangplank to get back on the dock front and deal with the blue creature that comes charging towards you, then shoot the squid that rears out of the water to your left. The way ahead is blocked with indestructible crates so you'll have to turn right and head down the jetty to make your way to the gangplank on the far side. More squid creatures pop from the water at every turn, so be ready with the thunderflash and a few swift cuts. ... Далее >>