monster. Kill him and the harpy that backs him up and continue along. You should come to a ship at anchor. Board it using the gangplank and prepare yourself for a four-on-one duel. First to feel your wrath is a blue monster that attacks as soon as you get on deck. He is swiftly joined by two zombies and a second blue monster that crashes through the aft deck. The torches that you picked up earlier come in handy here so put them to good use to stay alive. When the ship has been cleared, run to the aft where the blue monster broke through and climb down the stairs. On the left there should be a stack of power-ups for you to collect. When you have these, go the stern of the boat and walk along the plank at the end, being careful to dodge the hook on a chain that is swinging there. Down below, you should be able to see a bit of the dock. Turn so that you are facing the dock and make a jump for it. If you land safely you'll be richly rewarded with an extra life and a meaty weapon upgrade. Luverly! After admiring your finds, use you new weapon to destroy the crates in front of you so that you can get onto the dock proper. Return to where the ship is moored and continue past it. Cross through the gate to the right and defeat the blue monster there. Run through the next gate and kill the blue monster guarding the switch, then use it to raise the portcullis in front of you. Enter the portcullis and you're faced with a gap that must be jumped. The thing is, there are three deadly pendulums that must be dodged while doing so. Don't be intimidated by the pendulums - simply wait until there is a gap between them and take a jump through. If you have managed to stay alive, go behind the mesh screen to your left and flick the switch there: the door in front of you opens and a blue monster rushes out. Defeat it and the other one in the next room, then make your way back out to the mean streets ... Далее >>