wolves in total that attack from the windows, so if you try to lure them out one at a time you should be safe. Slice in half the second zombie that appears by the exit as a parting gesture as you leave this hallowed ground and make you merry way to the next part of the chapel. Another werewolf/zombie duet must be faced before you can go over to the barrel and collect the pistol from the crate. Dispose of the barrel with a pistol shot, then make your way through the ruins of the gate to the underworld below. After passing through the roots of ancient tress, you're attacked by a harpy, zombie, and werewolf in quick succession. When they are dead you can check out the coffins at the sides of the room before making your way to the surface. This is the final graveyard so be prepared for anything, or maybe not as I am about to tell you what is going to happen. The usual combo of zombie/harpy/werewolf overtly try and stop you reaching the tomb and by now you can probably take them out quite easily. As you approach the tomb, a werewolf will leap from on top of it to maul you, so be ready on that guard button as you get near. After you have given him a sound kicking, you are free to finish the level. Level 7: The Gardens After cleverly following the trail of slime (not looking for trouble, these two) you'll leave the cemetery. The streets of London are still littered with four-armed monstrosities, so keep your combos on standby. When you have ... Далее >>