strikes until it falls over so that your momentum does not carry you into the fire. Now you can run for the switch on the other side of the screen -- wait until Jose throws a knife, as he takes a second or two to pull another one, enabling you to get across unscathed. Flick the switch there and the spikes on the iron maiden will begin to inch towards him. Return to the other side of the screen to repeat the process: you have to flick each switch four times before you can finally skewer the top-hatted imbecile and laugh about it. Level 18: Westminster Crowley has been busy burning down the Houses of Parliament -- must have been the Government?s new back-to-work scheme that provoked his breakdown. You have no time to ponder this when you enter Parliament, however, as a handful of Crowley's minions are prowling the corridor. Run left and grab the full health orb before the creatures are upon you. The first wave of adversaries consists of two knifemen and three fire demons and can be killed quickly. Kick open the door to the next corridor and take the first left turn into the gardens. There are two fire demons and two hellhounds in the gardens. The wide open space makes it easy to close down and kill them. Opposite the entrance to this area lies a burning doorway. If you are feeling lucky or brave, leap over the fire into the corridor behind to take a short cut; if not, return to the previous corridor and keep walking. A hellhound bursts out of the flames ahead. Circle round it using the sidestep buttons so that it doesn't drag you into the flames when you attack ... Далее >>