Level 12: Regent Canal More narrow gangplanks and deadly waterways await you as you continue your pursuit of Crowley. You start the level facing some crates. Turn round and walk to the gangplank, plug the squid there, and grab the health orb that lies on the podium to your right. Cautiously step forward and leap the barrels that come rolling down the steps at you, followed by a blue monster. Defeat the monster, walk up the steps, and take the turn left at the top. Walk down the dock and you will be approached by a rat creature. This freak isn't even as tough as a werewolf so don't spare it a thought as you cut it down. Proceed to the window at the far end and get ready to block as a blue monster smashes through the wall next to you. With the blue monster out of the way, you can explore the cave from which it emerged. Turn left as you walk inside and follow the passage round to find a job lot of goodies. Behind them is a grate that prevents access to the extra life: you need to hit a lever later in the level before you can return here and help yourself to it. Your time bar should now be dangerously low so run back to the place where you killed the first blue monster. Keep heading up the street and you'll be waylaid by two rat men that crash through the wall to your left. Kill them both to replenish your time bar, then head through the gap which they emerged from. Defeat the blue monster at the end of the corner, then continue left round the steps. There's another blue monster lurking in an alcove on the right: tear his blue hide to shreds and pick up the health orb behind him. ... Далее >>