Head through the gates and tread carefully as you go through the woods: two four-armed creatures are waiting in ambush. Dispose of these and head towards the gate at the end. Another four-armed dude bars your exit. Slay him so that you can continue across the bridge. Back off and unload your pistol on the squid creature that destroys the bridge so that you can leap over the gap safely, then ignore the turning to your left and descend the steps into the square below. The square contains a spider creature and a four-armed dude. Cap 'em both and go through the gate to the left to pick up a mine, then return to the square and descend the second set of steps. You once again return to the docks for yet another confrontation with the squid creatures. They can be avoided, but there are quite a few power-ups to be gained by killing them. Turn right and head to the broken jetty: two squid creatures will rise from the waters. Shoot the creatures with the repeater or a couple of pistols and jump across the jetties to get an extra life. Return to the dockside and shoot the next two squid creatures at the second jetty. Cross this as before to collect the power-ups. From the end of this jetty you should just about see another squid creature in the distance. Execute him, then you can cross to the secret platform containing another extra life. Get yourself back to the dockside and walk to the end. A four-armed monster will lunge from around the corner, so be ready to hack his legs away with your weapon. Once you have turned the corner a spider hybrid will attack: drop him using the same tactics as before, then collect the thunderflash and run back down the dockside. ... Далее >>