will not be able to gain access to it. At least, not for the foreseeable future. Exit this view and turn around. Try to open the door. No go. Something else needs to be done here.
Look out the window. See the off shore light dome and the bigger booster projector you set up earlier. Could it be that the appropriate arrangement of the various fire marble projectors might shine the reflected lights of all the fire marble colors on the door and cause it to open? The alignment of the observatory door and the tusk doors provokes much further investigation.
For now, let's go back down in the elevator. Close the door. Turn left and push the green button to return to the main floor. Step out of the elevator and turn extreme left. See the levers that work the elevator mounted on the wall? Pull the levers. The elevator will rise to the top floor again. When you regain the cursor, pan down. See the area under the elevator?
Climb down there and examine the elevator's various mechanisms. Uh oh! Saavedro has been destroying the works here also. Look at the diagrams in his journal to ... Далее >>