Fern again. Aim the fern toward Squee. You'll hear him chirping happily away. When you get the fern positioned correctly, a cutscene will play showing you your new route to the unreachable door. Climb up there, clear to the top, and walk across to the door.
Open the door. Walk across to the pedestal. Input the correct marble code. Retrieve the Edanna Age linking book from the cage.
Edanna Code
outer marble between 10:30 and 12 o'clock second marble between 7:30 and 9 o'clock third marble at 6 o'clock. inner marble at 9 o'clock.
The cage will descend. Click on the book clearly marked "Edanna." Click on the picture to link to the beautifully vertical Edanna age!
Chapter Four - Edanna: The Nature Age
Right off the bat here, remember what you are here for. You must find the second ... Далее >>