examine the various structures apparently created to generate electromagnetic power. In addition to finding the proper symbol and more journal pages, it appears that you will need to establish a functional power source on this island. Or, perhaps in order to find that precious symbol, reestablishing power is the requisite task.
Go back to the little intersection, around the building to the right and across the walkway to the cliff side. Enter the chasm of the main island.
When you pass through the cliff side, keep going on down the walkway to briefly explore the chasm and the various structures erected in it. The whole scenario will make more sense to you if you do this first.
Walk along to the tube like structure you see on the right. Walk past it to the intersection and go right. Follow the semicircular path to end up facing a small metal elevator, housed inside of the tube. Turn around and try the lever on your left. But, you will find that the elevator is not functional yet either. Step back out and look down to view some of the various levels and ... Далее >>