Chapter Three - The Voltaic Age: Age of Energy
Where the J'nanin Age symbolized a learning of lessons, the Voltaic Age is one of the three element ages revealed at J'nanin in Atrus' journal. The other two are Amateria: The Age of Dynamic Forces. And, Edanna: The Nature Age. here in Voltaic you must find its symbol (and various scattered journal pages left behind by Saavedro) and return the symbol to J'nanin.
When you arrive in the Voltaic Age, you are facing a small circular rock building set atop a little island. Go forward and left along the walkway. Turn right to see the hatch of what appears to house some sort of power supply, maybe. Try the hatch lock with no luck. Turn left to see a winged metal object (modern sculpture?) in a small side area. Go to it and open it. This winged sculpture houses your ticket back to J'nanin. It's the J'nanin linking book. At least you know you can get back there at any time you want to.
Go back to the little circular intersection and go right out to the pier. Look back over your head to the route of the main power cable and ... Далее >>