Darn. There's one structure which still has no electric power; the little island.
Turn right and continue down the tunnel. At the intersection, where you see the red handled hatch on your right, go left instead and continue on up to a blank wall. Turn left and go out to the little island. You can see the water wheel turning now, from the end of the pier. But, it seems the hatch door on the building is still locked tight. Maybe we can now do something with the air ship back in the canyon. You know that the elevator is supposed to be working now, right?
Go back into the canyon and take the right path at the intersection. Go to the little elevator and get in. Pull the lever and go down to the next walkway. Walk out to the big wheel mechanism and pull the lever in the cage at the end. Ah, so now you see what it's for. The entire wheel opens like a fan for the air ship to pass through the elaborate doors. Its a sort of hangar arrangement.
Go back up in the elevator and on to the main pathway. Turn right at the ... Далее >>