Turn right around the balcony and pick up more pages from Saavedro's journal on the floor near the wall. Continue around the edge until you are at the spot where Saavedro was standing. See the blue button on your left there, above the cage? Press it to see an opening of colored lights from the half domes on the walls. This is followed by a cutscene of a message from Atrus to his sons, contaminated and claimed for his own forum, by Saavedro.
Saavedro admonishes you to find three important symbols that will allow you to access the cage and the Releeshan linking book. After the cutscene, go look through the viewers that were revealed before the cutscene.
Look through the viewer closest to where you are standing, to the right of the blue button pedestal. You will see the symbol for the Voltaic Age. You need to align the symbol with its mate on the tusk structure for the Voltaic Age.
Put the hand cursor on the view screen and move it up and right until you can see the Voltaic symbol on the tusk above the canopied door. Using the left handle to zoom in and out, and the right handle for focus, align the four ... Далее >>