quiet now. Go back right and back up the track the way you came to the terminal. Stop in the middle and turn left to view the central building. Turn back. Go forward twice and then go down right across the black skeletal remnants and into the pool area where Saavedro's painting is.
Go through the area and just outside, turn left and go up the ladder on the side of the wall. Go along the track to the control platform on the left. Pull that tall handle to the extreme left to raise the platform.
Pull the lever at the left to release another ice ball. You will enjoy seeing the ball pass gracefully through the sonic ring track without being shattered. Afterward, you will see a cutscene of another bridge piece rising out there on that off shore structure. And, when the doors close on the control panel, you will see that there's a new pattern embossed there and it has a lovely blue border! Are you recording it? XX X X XX X ... Далее >>