once and check to see the red reflector right across from where you are standing. Go to the red reflector. Turn it two times toward a yellow reflector clear across the chasm again. Go back down, across the two walkways and climb up the rocks to the fork in the stairs. Go left. Climb up to the second yellow reflector. Turn it two times to reflect the light to the recieving purple projector. Go down to the fork in the steps. Turn to the left and go up to the purple reflector. Turn it once. This will send the light beam to the red projector at just the point where you entered J'nanin and began to chase the elusive thief, Saavedro. Go down the rock slab and cross under the walkway on the stones. Go right and use the rock ladder. Once back on top, go right to the red reflector. Turn it once. Look through the viewer on the left side to see the beam finally has come to rest on the prism device established in front of the entry to the Voltaic tusk. Go back down to the beach. Go right and forward up the path until you reach the stairs. Go down a few steps to the fork and then go up left to the plateau of the Voltaic tusk. Look at the array of lights created by the prism device. There are ... Далее >>