cool water. The vine quickly carries the water to the cattail and it unfurls, providing a new means of transportation for you.
Leave the close up of the Aurora Blossom and turn around left. Head back down the path to the now available cattail. Climb aboard for a long trip to Edanna's lower level. When you arrive at the bottom, turn left and start down the big branch toward the little palm trees you can see. Go three clicks forward. Pan left a bit. Go toward the pink light. The little pink electric sting ray is shocking the roots trailing into the water, and is eating from them. That is quite a structure isn't it?
Turn left and continue down the path of branches where you will now see beautifully glowing lavender moss on many branches. It's much darker and cooler at this level. At the base of the branch, see another pod-like plant on the right. It looks like the pod or melon on the upper level after the water was drained from it. Go forward and click on it for a close up. Then, click on the reddish growth at the front of the pod. Watch the water come down the vine, ... Далее >>