red knob on the pedestal correctly. If there's still lava in the chamber, go back up and try again.
Open the hatch and enter. Turn left and go forward through the railings where you see a red knobbed pedestal like the one in the control room. Only this one is completely intact.
Move the red knob in a clockwise direction, so the platform rises. The move the knob again so that it is positioned to pass through the middle slot. Let go of it and watch the gear, up to your right, go over your head and lock on to the larger gear to the left. Swing right and look at the apocalyptic painting on the wall. More of the talented, but tortured, Saavedro's work. Well, what now? Nothing more is happening.
Try the red knob again. Move it counterclockwise (right) around the bottom of the ring. Whoa, cool! Or rather, HOT! The lava chamber has filled again. But look, you can go forward past the pedestal now and turn on the fan. See the red glow in the circular panel ahead of you? Go turn on the fan. Then return to the control ... Далее >>