trapeze handle? Pull it. (If you catch the little Squee, you forgot to roll the fruit forward in the crack and the Squee will be pathetically crying.)
The tent trap should come down beside Squee, scaring him off across the rotten log bridge you came across, with all the moss on it. When Squee squeeks, the moss expands, right? Watch as the log comes apart and Squee runs safely off into the forest with his prize.
Do you suppose that Saavedro placed that rotten log there? It did look a bit out of place here, didn't it?
Go down the length of the leaf again (with your back to the Squee trap) where the rotten log was. Click on that hanging vine again. Place the vine cursor over the flat, lighted area ahead of you. Swing over there. Turn left and go down the tunnel to a new area. Walk over to the lighted gourd. Pull the ball hanging down from the vine and unfurl the leaf. Don't walk across the leaf yet, though.
Instead, the lighted gourd reveals better visual access to the lavender lit area ... Далее >>