elevator to the big crack in the canyon wall. As you approach the exit, that leads back to the little island, turn left and enter the copper colored lighted tunnel. As you follow the walkway, keep an eye out for more pages from Saavedro's journal.
When you reach the intersection you will see a door (metal hatch) off to your left. Go forward and open the hatch using the red handle. Go forward to the view window to see the various mechanisms required to inflate the air ship with hot air. Notice how hot it is in here? Yipe!
You can check out the red-knobbed control handle on the pedestal in front of you, and move the mechanisms around a bit. You might note that the center of this pedestal has been jammed with some sort of pin. Saavedro's work again no doubt.
Turn around, and walk around the ladder to go down under the control room. Walk forward and open the viewer to see that this chamber contains molten lava. This has to be where the hot air comes from for the air ship.
Go back up into the control room and go forward once toward the window. Look up. ... Далее >>