Go forward one time. Here, the path splits in two, around the spikey roots of the carnivorous fly trap plant.
Take the left path for now. At the bottom of this path, you will see a green lighted area with a huge organic basin like the ones that water the cattails above. Click on it to bring water and the little pink ray right on down to this area. Aha, see that the fly trap's twisted roots are coiled int that dry basin? Wonder if we loosed the ray to zap those roots, if the fly trap would be shocked enough to release mother bird?
Go one click forward past where you can see the ray swimming in the pod. Pan down right. Go forward three times and pan slightly right to see some sort of man made apparatus sitting on a limb. Oh, its another viewer. Go over and push the big metal button in front of the viewer to receive another anguished message from Saavedro.
Turn left and continue down the path. Do you hear the mother bird crying out for help? See that curled up leaf there to the left and up? ... Далее >>