find more of Saavedro's journal pages. Push the lever to go back down to the main level. At the bottom, go to the right and out on the walkway. It hasn't changed much weather wise, but you will not get drenched, nor struck by lightening. Walk along the wooden bridges around the side of the building to a strange area of small, sectioned ponds containing luminous green water.
Keep going and go up on the little platform ahead. Pull that long vertical handle on the left. Up you go. Pull the handle on the right of the control panel to see a mind boggling scene!
You will witness the top of the central control tower detach itself from the building, hover in the air momentarily, and hurdle a perfectly round ball of ice onto the tracks below. You can tell its ice, because it shatters when it doesn't follow the correct path. Do this more than once, because its great fun. And, also so you can see how the orangish ball interacts with the ice ball to balance the metal chute as the ice ball attempts to pass through the chute. Why is the ice ball shattered? Well, there's the rub!
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