this incredible, or what? You personally make the jaw dropping, awesome trip around the entire array of tracks in Amateria. It's worth every second of hair pulling puzzle annoyance you have been through so far! See the beautiful Dynamic Forces symbol unfold before you, when you ultimately arrive at the off shore structure in the red zone.
Pan down to access the J'nanin linking book and you'll find yourself back in the observatory there. You know just what to do. Take the Dynamic Forces symbol and place it on the viewer. You will see the cage appear below you and, this time something different, a little bridge to the open cage. Atrus will speak to you again, in a cut scene, as though he were bidding Sirrus and Achenar farewell on their first trip to Narayan.
Go down across the little bridge to the cage and click on the Narayan linking book. Click on the picture to realize almost instantly, that the last great segment of your EXILE sojourn will begin under water.
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