Go back to the stone building. You will notice that when you start to leave the area that the bridge snaps open again. In the stone building, go down the stairs and back to the right at the fork. Go past the elevator. Keep going down the tunnel with the brilliant blue lit rocks.
You will enter a quiet pool area, inside a cave like room, with another bizarre painting of Sirrus and Achenar, by Saavedro, complete with an elevated platform for him to work from. Keep going out of this room and into the area beyond that looks like the burned skeleton of a ship, or maybe a whale?
Go on through, jumping from one outcropping to the next, until you can climb up to the track, bearing left.
The Sonic Ring Puzzle
Walk through the pagoda shaped terminal there and out to a big, hairpin curve in the track. Wow! There's a huge vibrating circle here. Its a sonic field of some kind. Don't go through it yet. Go straight ahead to the ramp off to the side. Turn right to see a little control switch. Go in close. ... Далее >>