Turn right and climb all the way to the top where you see a plant that is obviously a variety of palm. Go right on up to it and press that bluish circular bulb in the center. Aha! The palm fronds close up and leap for the sky.
Pan down and to the right now, to see what they were hiding. It's a second linking book back to J'nanin. With that reassurance, turn completely around and go over to the orange and yellow flower on the cliff's edge. This is an Aurora Blossom. Click on it. It's also a variety of lens flower. The palm fronds have been moved away now, directing sunligh through the flower's lens. Pan around until you see the dry basin by the wilted cattail plant below. See that black scar on the tree just above and right of the basin? Does that look like a burn mark?
This probably gives you an idea on how to quench the thirst of that poor thirsty cattail. Well, if not, direct the brilliant hot spot from the lens, to the green melon-shaped plant full of water. The melon will burst, filling the basin with ... Далее >>