walkway erected here. Go left again to the intersection where you came down to the elevator. Go right. Look at the huge round wheel mechanism to the right of the walkway and the scaffolding suspended across the top of the chasm. Could that be some kind of track? Turn back left and walk along past the big wheel. Look right to see what appears to be an air ship. Wow! Do you suppose that's what it is?
See the ladder at the end of the walkway on your right? Go down the ladder, across the walkway to another cylindrical platform. These are the controls for the air needed to inflate the air ship. But, there's no power here yet to do that. Turn around and go forward to see that the walkway has suffered greatly under the hands of Saavedro. You can't get out there.
Go back up the walkway past the big wheel and climb the ladder to get back on top where you started. There is much to see and there are many levels to explore.
Remember that passageway off to the right you passed on your way into the chasm area? Let's take a look down there now. Go back past the ... Далее >>