Now, it would appear relatively simple to do this, getting the pressure set at 19. However, there's a rather influential caveat here. There are three tiers of valves to work with and the elevator also uses hot air to operate. This decreases your accumulated pressure every time you move it.
When you see hot air/steam the valve is open and you lose pressure. There's a straightforward way to get the valve puzzle solved. And that's simply to greatly overbuild the pressure. Use the lever on the left (pulled to the right) to raise the elevator up two more levels to the top tier. Establish the pressure at halfway into the red zone on the gauge! Then, work your way back down to the middle and bottom level as follows:
Starting on the bottom level close all three working valves. 2nd level - close all valves. Top level - close the right valve only. 2nd level - open the two left valves. Bottom level - open all three operable valves The long side of the needle on the gauge should be just a hair to the right of the 19 mark. Good. Close enough! Swing around and go left forward once. Swing to the right to see a red handled ... Далее >>