Turn the hand to the 10 o'clock position. Notice the difference in the sound of the vibration from the sonic ring.
Go back and walk right through the field inside the ring. Cool! Go down through that little tunnel under the terminal ahead of you. Follow it up the curving track to the next sonic ring. Go through it this time. Turn around to see another switch. Set this one for 12 o'clock. Step back through the ring and follow the track up through another terminal. It's another hair pin curve. Go out to the ramp on the left, past the sonic ring, to the switch on the post. Set this one to the 2 o'clock position.
Go back through the ring, down to the lower tunnel. Stop inside. You will see three exits. Go through the one in the middle. Go on up the curving track to the fourth sonic ring. Go through it and right, on the ramp, for access to the switch. Set this one to 4 o'clock. Then, go along the track upward and through to the top terminal and on to the last sonic ring. Go to the ramp, find the switch, and set it for 6 o'clock. You will note that it is very ... Далее >>