symbols? Wonder what he'd say now that you have the energy symbol. Place the symbol from your inventory on the imager. It will cause the cage to appear from below.
Afterward, you will receive another hologram message from Saavedro. He recognizes you have found one of the three symbols and tells you more about the Lattice Trees of Narayan and the damage the brothers cause there.
Afterward, go outside via the elevator door on the high walkway. Now you need to find the next linking book to take you to Edanna, or to Amateria.
Go down the walkway, down the ladder, across the lower walk and take the rock ladder down to the beach. Turn left. Go under the walk to the stone ramp. Go up the ramp and forward up the stone steps. At the fork, turn left and go down to the walk you can see at the base of the next tusk. Go across the first walkway. When you get to the rock pillar before the next walkway, turn left to see a ladder. Go down the ladder.
Stop to enjoy a ride on the purple and yellow "Hearken Fern" to hear amplified ... Далее >>