1.4.5 The Flying Frozen Bug
[Net / SCOHN] Sometimes a unit (could be any) gets stuck at or
near the edge of the map. S/he/it is OFF the map, (at least the
square is) and can only go up or down (if flyable), but not back
onto the map. S/he/it will recover when mission is successfully
completed. No workarounds.
@ 1.4.6 The GUS Bug
[Net] UFO 1.0 and 1.1 works fine with GUS, 1.2 and XCOM doesn't.
GUS users will probably need to turn the sound off.
@ 1.5 I need some help! Any saved game editors?
There are currently three editors available: SOLDIER, BASE, and
MONEY. The first two are available as UFOCHEAT in some places.
All three are available on America On-line (PC Games Forum,
Library Search, XCOM), and should be available elsewhere in the
Internet. The author of SOLDIER and BASE has just made V2.4
available (Sorry! Please e-mail me!). In A.10 is now some money
cheats. For more help, try wuarchive.wustl.edu or its mirrors, in
@ 1.6 Any plans on sequels or expansion disks? Other versions?
MicroProse Rep on America On-Line has revealed at least one
(possibly two) scenario disks are being developed. According to
CGW's CES report, UFO2 is in the works, with better sounds and
graphics, but NO CHANGE to the combat system. (Hurrah!) Here's
the actual message:
Subj: Re:Terror from the deep Date: 94-11-01 16:34:23 EST
From: MicroProse@aol.com
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